The Second Part of Isaiah: Chapters 40 - 66


     "Which of you will listen to this

or pay close attention in time to come?"

-Isaiah 42:23


     Midway through the book of Isaiah, beginning at chapter 40, the writing changes to poetry. God speaks. He tells the hope of mankind in the last days. These are some of the most powerful chapters in the Bible. They strengthen our faith and point to a new world.

     In these chapters, God reveals the futility of the nations oposed to him, and tells how they have been given over to the One whom he has raised to serve him. Near the end of these chapters, God addresses the people who are alive during the last days. He makes the case for his ability to do what is necessary, for his wisdom and patience, but also for the end of his patience when he will act on the world's behalf.

     As we might imagine, the things he says are astonishing. He speaks first of comfort, and how hoping in him gives one new strength. He tells why Israel was chosen, and calls Abraham his friend. He tells of his servant whose mission brings about a new song of praise. He speaks of the blessings of his people; of his reliability in creation and revelation; how the earth was made to be inhabited. And that is only chapters 40 - 45! There are still twenty-one more chapters remaining-

     He speaks of Israel's fall to Babylon; of Babylon's fall to Cyrus; of Cyrus' order to rebuild Jerusalem; of the coming Messiah; of Israel's eventual salvation; and the hope of all mankind: The Kingdom of God. (All of this in poetic language.)

     If you want to know God better; if you want to learn what he has done for us; if you want a better understanding of what the apostle Paul wrote in his letters to the early Christians- then read these chapters of Isaiah. They are a master class in faith.