The Heavenly Arrangement


     When the Israelites resided in the wilderness, the tabernacle served as the center of their worship. It was also called the Tent of Meeting because it was there that God was said to dwell, and where he could be approached. Though the universe itself does not contain him, God made this arrangement for our benefit so that we would come to know him. He has been revealing himself to us more and more ever since. The apostle Paul later explained that the tabernacle was a prophetic illustration of a greater and more perfect  means of worshiping God.

     "This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not part of this creation." -Hebrews 9:9, 11

     The pattern of the tabernacle was embellished with the construction of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, and was retained in the temple of Jesus' day, ultimately foreshadowing the way of approach to God through Christ.

     The architect of Solomon's temple was God himself. Solomon's father, King David, was given the temple's architectural plans by inspiration. Like the tabernacle before it, the temple represented the true tent of God. These buildings, the tabernacle and the temples that followed it, were temporal representations of true worship. They pointed to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Soon will come another construction - New Jerusalem, built by God, with foundations named for the apostles.

     Over time, the scriptures have expanded our understanding of this heavenly arrangement. It came into focus with one man who would become a "father of many nations," who also received a covenant from God, a promise by which the entire world would be blessed. This promise has been confirmed and validated throughout the generations, gradually becoming refined as our hearts have become refined as well.

     In the Bible, we read repeatedly about how God is able to perform wonders from small beginnings. It takes time and dedication to learn more about these things. But can there be a more worthy endeavor?